
05-27 作者:汪德均

3月3日,星期天 【本书已在亚马逊上架】





当时也根本没法迅速逃回我家的围场!想到这里,我的心此刻都还在怦怦直跳。( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )

Sunday 3 March

Today we went through the gate onto our neighbor’s big hill and the view from the top was AMAZING!!! We could see for miles and miles and there are beautiful green hills everywhere – it’s so nice for riding! And we could see the Andalusian horse property just down the hill. So we decided to canter down and have a look. It was so much fun and the Andalusians are so pretty.

But then, we came across all the cows. And they had little calves with them. They were so cute. We wanted to get closer and have a look but Millie was petrified. She’s such a big horse - but she’s such a huge scaredy cat! She’s scared of EVERYTHING!!! Even crossing our creek when there’s hardly any water in it. She will not cross over it! She has to jump across. And that’s a huge leap! It’s scary watching her.

Anyway, when Millie got scared of all the cows today, Shelly had trouble keeping her calm. And then all of a sudden, some bulls appeared out of nowhere. This one bull just came for us! I was so scared because it started chasing us and we had to gallop down the hill to get away. And the hill was so steep – it was scary getting down. I was petrified!

Shelley told me later that it was the scariest moment of her life. She thought when the bull was chasing us, we’d get pinned to the fence. It was SO SCARY!!!

We couldn’t get back into our paddock quickly enough! My heart is still thumping just thinking about it.

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