
01-12 作者:汉神宙斯

夜空下的星星为你闪烁,你是否听见天籁般的音乐,你可知道那是我在为你歌唱?亲爱的宝贝,妈妈为你心醉;龙儿,我们珍视的王子明亮的星,让我仔细地欣赏这世间属于你的最美的图画,让我给你最温柔的呵护和最温暖的牵挂——爱和成长把我们带到这里,我们在这里一起捕捉幸福生活中每一个欢乐的回馈,一起留下奇妙人生中第一个美好的回味;儿子把三字经、小蝌蚪的梦想和小猫钓鱼串起来变成:人之初,在水中,一个透明的、像葡萄粒一样光滑又柔软的小房子里,小蝌蚪在慢慢(长大成鱼)长成大鱼…每个孩子都有属于自己的童真和乐趣需要呵护好它,偶尔的时候尤其需要爸爸妈妈们能够主动降低身份去亲近那完全身心的真正畅怀的嬉笑打闹、发自内心世界深处的认同和小小崇拜,而我们自己又何尝不是更像一个小孩,往往在孩子们过错时候的表现可能真的还不如他们大度,懂得什么是爱,该如何继续微笑,拥抱温暖,好好生活。五颜六色的花朵互相牵着手、互相牵着脚、互相牵着肩、互相牵着眼睛、互相牵着鼻子、互相牵着嘴巴、互相牵着胳膊、互相牵着衣服,在风中跳舞,心连心一起走,插上梦的翅膀去迎接多姿的世界、拥抱美好的未来!没有谁不需要被关爱,当然狐狸也不例外,虽说是驯养却为了变成朋友是家人中的一员而不仅只是“宠物”,相互帮衬扶持携手并肩,就像走进彼此的后花园,满目葱茏芬芳四溢;如同接儿子回来的时候没有像往常一样各种互动,而只是手拉着手就这么一起一路向前走着,没有声音地安静地聆听着手机中传来的喜马拉雅小王子,龙哥让我蹲下来他搂着我的脖颈抱着我随着他心跳的节奏抚摸着我的头依偎亲吻贴合耳鼻(冲破外肉的疆域滚滚扑面而来)温馨美妙,把老师给的瓜子剥了壳俏皮地送进我嘴里安暖了胃、在心灵最深处彼此相遇默默守护安抚融化了心。望着我的疲惫不堪,重复跟我说:妈妈这里,加油,我们飞,到了(结果真的不大一会儿就有顺风车带我们小区家门口,早已忘光的车子也失而复得了,谢谢亲和帮忙的人)。龙哥说,小汽车出发啦,滴滴叭叭呜呜呜呜…我想对你说,因为你快乐,所以我快乐,爱无处不在。夜深人静的夜晚,请放飞你的梦想吧~你一定能找到那颗属于你的、金光闪闪的星星!关于生命与生活的寓言 “这就象花一样。如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么夜间,你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快。所有的星星上都好象开着花。”

The stars twinkle for you in the night sky. Do you hear the music of heaven? Do you know that I am singing for you? Dear baby, Mommy is so drunk for you;Lung, we cherish the bright stars of the prince,Let me take a close look at the most beautiful picture in the world,Let me give you the most tender care and warmest care——Love and growth bring us here,We are here to capture every joyful feedback from a happy life,Together, leave the first wonderful aftertaste of a wonderful life;The son string up the three character Scripture, the tadpole dream and the cat fishing:The beginning of man is in water,A transparent, soft and smooth little house like grape seeds,Little tadpoles grow into big fish when they grow up. Every child has his own innocence and pleasure, which needs to be well protected,Recognition and little worship from the heart of the world,Know what love is, how to continue to smile, embrace warmth, and live a good life. Colorful flowers hold hands with each other. Holding each other's feet, holding their shoulders, holding eyes together, Holding clothes with each other, Dancing in the wind, Heart and heart go together, Plug in the wings of dreams to welcome the colorful world and embrace a bright future! No one does not need to be loved, of course, the fox is no exception, Though domesticated, it is not just a "pet" but a member of the family to become friends, Supporting each other is like walking into each other's back garden, full of verdant and fragrant flowers; Just like when my son came back, there was no interaction as usual, And just walk hand in hand and walk all the way together, Silently listening to the little prince of Himalaya coming from his cell phone, Long Ge let me squatting down, he hugged me in the neck and embraced me, With the rhythm of his heart, he touched my head and nestled and kissed his ear and nose(The territory that breaks through the meat is rolling to the surface), Warm and wonderful; Peel the shell from the teacher, and put it in my mouth to keep my stomach warm, In the deepest part of my heart, we meet each other, silently guarding, comforting and melting our heart. Look at me exhausted and repeat to me: Mom, here, come on, let's fly. Here we are(As a result, it wasn't very soon that there was a van in our neighborhood, The car that has long forgotten the light has been recovered. Thank you for your help). The elder brother said, "the car starts, Drop, babe, whining.. I want to tell you, because you are happy, so I am happy, love everywhere. In the dead of night, please fly your dream~ You can find the shining star that belongs to you! It's like flowers. If you fall in love with a flower that grows on a star, Then at night, you look at the sky and feel sweet and happy. All the stars seem to bloom.

共 4 条文章评论
  • 拜访拜读学习,美文!问好。2019-01-24 18:24
  • 每个孩子都有属于自己的童真和乐趣需要呵护好它,偶尔的时候尤其需要爸爸妈妈们能够主动降低身份去亲近那完全身心的真正畅怀的嬉笑打闹、发自内心世界深处的认同和小小崇拜,而我们自己又何尝不是更像一个小孩,往往在孩子们过错时候的表现可能真的还不如他们大度,懂得什么是爱,该如何继续微笑,拥抱温暖,好好生活。2019-04-06 18:50
  • 满满旳幸福和快乐!2019-05-08 07:31
  • 看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快2020-07-21 21:43